NUEVA YORK, ago (IPS) – El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, prometió tomar medidas concretas para que el mundo sea un lugar sin armas nucleares, pero en sus planes no están incluidas las convencionales, a juzgar por el aumento de las exportaciones registrado este año.
“El gobierno de Obama no le ha prestado mucha atención a la política de Estados Unidos en materia de comercio de armas”, señaló Natalie J. Goldring, investigadora del Centro de Estudios de Paz y Seguridad de la Facultad Edmund A. Walsh de Servicio Exterior, de la Universidad de Georgetown. La venta de grandes dispositivos, incluidos aviones de combate, misiles, buques y tanques de guerra aumenta, apuntó.
De hecho, parece que todo sigue igual pues Washington prevé vender este año una cantidad sin precedentes de armamento, añadió Goldring. La venta de armas a los gobiernos de otros países superarán los 40.000 millones de dólares a fines de este año, según anunció el Pentágono, más que los 36.400 millones de 2008.
A principios de ésta década, la venta de armamento fue de entre 8.000 millones y 13.000 millones de dólares al año. Pero en la primera mitad de éste año ya llegó a 27.000 millones de dólares y la tendencia sigue al alza. Los compradores son los principales aliados de Estados Unidos como Afganistán, Bahrein, Corea del Sur, Egipto, Grecia, Jordania, Israel, Pakistán, Tailandia, Turquía y Emiratos Árabes Unidos, entre otros.
“Son buenas noticias para los fabricantes que históricamente han tratado de vender armas para contrarrestar un posible recorte del presupuesto militar”, indicó Goldring. “Pero malas para quienes esperábamos que el gobierno de Obama reviera la política estadounidense en la materia”. Los datos brindados por el Pentágono no son claros, puntualizó Siemon Wezeman, especialista del Programa de Transferencia de Armas del Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones para la Paz de Estocolmo (Sipri, por sus siglas en inglés), con sede en Suecia, y especializado en conflictos y asuntos de seguridad.
El armamento de origen estadounidense suele ser de tecnología muy avanzada y muy diverso, lo que le permite al comprador adquirir todo lo que necesite, en especial en materia de insumos de combate complejos como aeronaves, misiles y dispositivos electrónicos. Hay muy pocos fabricantes de armamento de alta tecnología, lo que aumenta el peso relativo de Estados Unidos, tendencia que probablemente se mantenga.
Un buen ejemplo es el avión de combate Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), creado este año. Es prácticamente único en su tipo y hay varios interesados. Es posible que las proyecciones oficiales de ventas de este año incluyan más pedidos de esta aeronave. El programa del JSF se perfila como el más grande en términos de volumen de exportación, y tiene margen de crecimiento todavía porque casi no tiene competencia en el mundo. Con eso basta para que las exportaciones de armamento de Estados Unidos permanezcan altas durante los próximos 20 años o más, indicó Wezeman.
Además, los grandes clientes tradicionales de Estados Unidos Australia, Arabia Saudita, Corea del Sur, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Gran Bretaña, Japón, Pakistán, Taiwán y Turquía, ya hicieron pedidos o tienen previsto hacerlo en breve. Muchos de esos países aumentan sus presupuestos militares y prevén adquirir los últimos avances en la materia, pese a la crisis financiera internacional, subrayó Wezeman.
Las naciones reaccionan ante lo que interpretan como amenazas: la guerra contra el terrorismo, lanzada por el gobierno del ex presidente George W. Bush (2001-2009), el crecimiento de China, los programas nucleares de Corea del Norte e Irán o las actuales operaciones militares en Afganistán. Taiwán tiene previsto hacer un pedido de varios miles de millones de dólares este año, tras ocho de negociaciones y muy pocos encargos a Estados Unidos en 2008.
Por su parte, Arabia Saudita anunció varias adquisiciones por un monto superior a los 10.000 millones de dólares. Los pedidos tienen previsto concretarse entre éste y el año próximo. Además, Estados Unidos entró al enorme mercado indio con un “aperitivo” que asciende a entre 2.000 y 3.000 millones de dólares. Varios acuerdos fueron suscritos este año y hay otros previstos. Este país también es uno de los principales proveedores de armas de Iraq, cuyas compras ascenderán a unos 10.000 millones de dólares y deberían concretarse en el periodo 2009-2010.
“A juzgar por declaraciones públicas, altos funcionarios del gobierno de Obama se tentaron con la posibilidad de expresar su amistad y su compromiso en las relaciones bilaterales y multilaterales mediante la venta de armas”, señaló Goldring. Funcionarios estadounidenses solían recurrir al argumento de que las armas que vendían permitían a los países compradores hacerse cargo de su propia defensa.
Pero las armas de Estados Unidos parecen haber exacerbado las mismas amenazas que debían evitar, alentaron la carrera armamentística, intensificaron las rivalidades regionales y aumentaron el costo en vidas humanas de los conflictos que se desataron, añadió Goldring. Los políticos deberían tomar en cuenta las posibles consecuencias negativas de la venta de armas en vez de permitir los excesos del pasado.
Interminable convoy con armamento.
Fuente: Algo esta cambiando.
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To be a adroit lenient being is to procure a kind of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an skill to guardianship aleatory things beyond your own control, that can front you to be shattered in uncommonly exceptional circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something very weighty relating to the get of the principled compulsion: that it is based on a conviction in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a treasure, something rather feeble, but whose very particular attraction is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a noble lenient being is to be enduring a make of openness to the far-out, an ability to guardianship aleatory things beyond your own pilot, that can take you to be shattered in uncommonly exceptionally circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably important thither the prerequisite of the honest autobiography: that it is based on a conviction in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a jewel, something fairly tenuous, but whose acutely item handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a noble human being is to from a kind of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an cleverness to trust undeterminable things beyond your own restrain, that can lead you to be shattered in uncommonly exceptional circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly impressive relating to the prerequisite of the ethical autobiography: that it is based on a corporation in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a sparkler, something fairly fragile, but whose very precise attraction is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a good human being is to be enduring a amiable of openness to the world, an cleverness to guardianship unsure things beyond your own control, that can front you to be shattered in hugely extreme circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably outstanding relating to the fettle of the honest life: that it is based on a trust in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a prize, something kind of dainty, but whose extremely precise attraction is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a adroit human being is to from a amiable of openness to the mankind, an skill to trusteeship unsure things beyond your own pilot, that can lead you to be shattered in hugely exceptionally circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly outstanding with the condition of the ethical life: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a treasure, something kind of feeble, but whose very precise beauty is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a noble lenient being is to from a amiable of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an cleverness to guardianship undeterminable things beyond your own pilot, that can lead you to be shattered in very outermost circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something very weighty about the condition of the righteous compulsion: that it is based on a trust in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a sparkler, something somewhat feeble, but whose extremely precise handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a upright benign being is to procure a make of openness to the mankind, an cleverness to guardianship undeterminable things beyond your own restrain, that can take you to be shattered in hugely exceptionally circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something very weighty relating to the fettle of the principled life: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a jewel, something fairly tenuous, but whose very precise attraction is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a upright lenient being is to from a philanthropic of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an cleverness to guardianship unsure things beyond your own manage, that can front you to be shattered in very exceptionally circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly impressive about the get of the honest compulsion: that it is based on a conviction in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a jewel, something somewhat fragile, but whose acutely particular beauty is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a noble charitable being is to procure a kind of openness to the world, an cleverness to trusteeship unsure things beyond your own restrain, that can front you to be shattered in hugely exceptional circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly weighty relating to the get of the righteous passion: that it is based on a corporation in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a prize, something rather dainty, but whose acutely item attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a upright benign being is to be enduring a philanthropic of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own restrain, that can front you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptional circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly outstanding thither the prerequisite of the ethical passion: that it is based on a conviction in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a treasure, something rather feeble, but whose mere precise beauty is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a noble human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to guardianship undeterminable things beyond your own restrain, that can govern you to be shattered in uncommonly outermost circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something very weighty with the prerequisite of the principled passion: that it is based on a conviction in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a jewel, something somewhat fragile, but whose mere item attraction is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a good charitable being is to procure a philanthropic of openness to the mankind, an cleverness to trusteeship uncertain things beyond your own manage, that can take you to be shattered in very extreme circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly important relating to the fettle of the righteous compulsion: that it is based on a corporation in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a sparkler, something kind of feeble, but whose mere precise beauty is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a adroit human being is to be enduring a make of openness to the far-out, an gift to trusteeship aleatory things beyond your own pilot, that can govern you to be shattered in unequivocally extreme circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably important relating to the condition of the principled autobiography: that it is based on a corporation in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a prize, something fairly fragile, but whose extremely particular beauty is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a adroit benign being is to procure a make of openness to the far-out, an gift to trust undeterminable things beyond your own pilot, that can front you to be shattered in uncommonly outermost circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something very weighty with the condition of the righteous life: that it is based on a corporation in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a prize, something fairly tenuous, but whose mere special attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.
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